I bet most of us remember working our first summer job. It's a rite of passage for teenagers looking to make some money while also not totally wasting their summer. But entering the workforce also means learning how to deal with grumpy customers. 

The angry woman in the shades cussing out a teenager over a six-dollar refund is the first type of customer teenagers learn how to deal with. The kind that will fight you and isn't afraid of going to jail for it either. The elder of the two snow-cone shop employees notices this and hands over her refund without hesitation, hoping to shoe her away. 

Employee stood up for both of them
byu/Ok-Banana6130 inPublicFreakout

Despite this, she returns to the window and calls her a bitch, and she responds with the first line you learn as a teenager working customer service for the first time, "Don't come back, we don't need your business."